28 de enero de 2013

The Elephant Man

The literature make us travel to places and unmagibable times,  which make us reflect on how much we´ve learned. Each book I read permit me examin the world from other points of view.

The Elephant Man was written by  Tin Vicary  , I read it a year ago, I diceded to choose it to my first articule in english because just as this book in my blog I want to narrate that stories than  apparently are awful, but very inside have great things to be  told.

The story  begins when  Dr. Frederick was  walking and saw a picture, under it there´s a poster which say: come in The Elephant Man  for two pence. The Doctor went in  and saw to  a desfigured  and ugly man who was  treated as a slave and prisioner. This  made to feel to the Doctor  indignated so He  took  him to his Hospital. Later  time  The Elephant Man  desapared but come back  later, with  assistance of Doctor and  Chairman  of hospital, Mr. Merric  which was real name of the  Elephant Man was able to stay for some time  in the hospital, while he  was there lived  diferents experiences  as goes at theatre and be visited by The Queen Alexandra,  all this took him to want living in a wood. In  the end He dead when He became happy  with his friends and the nature around him.

The stoy save a lot to analize as for instance: people are always afraid of seeing all that isn´t inside of considere as normal, Merric was a man who had to live with a malformation, He wasn´t his foult. The  jokes and laughters only show the cruel than is the makind with those people suffer a illness.

Although  this book is little the lesson is really great, no matter where you are or who you are  or your status social, helping  to  other people can be a difficult option but you decide if you want to  make the chage. Obviosuly isn´t easy and more even when vanity, the fashion and the beauty opaque to poverty and the ugliness, for that is the appearances are present in our era.

Alone and whithout family that was the life of a man who never knew what was being normal, had friends whow living troubles and suffering  with him and in his  last  years he really undertood what´s meaning of being happy.
Nowday we live in  world isn´t world  due to all don´t have any sense to me in fact I usually wonder why goverments of the world get worried to buy weapon or creat chimical weapon while in other places there are hungry children, afraid and suffering a war they did´t wish to have. But  no all is lost as long as exist people like Doctor Frederick.

The poors around the world  suffer, cry and regret, here The Elephant Man´s story is  only a bit simple of those who born was a sin.